Our Sermons Are Now Available on YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/@BrookhavenFellowship-dl8jm

June 2019

Return of the Ark

Audio Player

Yahweh vs. Dagon

Audio Player

May 2019

Religion or God

Audio Player

Wake Up Call

Audio Player

Raising Children in an R-Rated World

Audio Player

Hannah’s Praise Break

Audio Player

April 2019

Seeking Wrong Fulfillment

Audio Player

First Fruits: Resurrection

Audio Player

Lamb Selection Day

Audio Player

Christian Atheism Part 2

This Sunday’s service began with a brief introduction and summary of Judges, followed by the public reading of Judges 19-21 then concludes with the sermon. We suggest that around 8:14 you pause this message and take the time to read over chapters 19-21 of Judges.

Audio Player